Attention All New Users!

A place for consolidated forum rules, instructions, announcements and information.

Moderators: GAHorn, Karl Towle, Bruce Fenstermacher

Forum rules
This area is read-only. Only Administrators and Moderators can post here. Please use a private message to the Moderators for questions or comments.
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Joined: Fri Apr 12, 2002 8:45 pm

Attention All New Users!

Post by GAHorn »

Welcome! We truly hope you will join and participate in our forums discussions, and we enjoy new members!

Firstly, Be AWARE!... if you are only registered as a participant in these forums, other words, if you are NOT a Member of The International Cessna 170 Association, with a TIC170A Membership number.....and have just joined these forums by registering....then YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO VIEW SEVERAL "HIDDEN" SECTIONS of these forums which are Titled, "Members Intercom" and "Maintenance (MX) Library". Because you are not a Member of TIC170A these areas which contain valuable documentation and "permissions required" are invisible and do not appear on your screen.

IN order to have FULL ACCESS to these interesting and valuable, downloadable documents you must be a dues-paying TIC170A Member. You can join at our "HOME" page of these forums. Until then, please enjoy the public areas known as the Pilot Lounge, Hangar, Events, and you may read (not post new ads) the listings in our TradeMart.
Please observe our few rules:

This is a family-oriented website. Unfortunately we must require all new forum participants to identify themselves prior to posting messages or photos. This is to protect our participants from those who, in the past, have taken advantage of our generosity. Those raiders posted illegal and inappropriate material here, violating the sensibilities and civility of our homes, therefore we have instituted this rule.

Any personal data will be kept confidential, except that which you permit/provide for your public profile. When your identity as a bona fide party is confirmed, your message posting privileges will be enabled. Thank you for your understanding, and please accept our apology for the inconvenience of this important safeguard.

Please be patient while we work to validate your participation, meanwhile feel free to peruse the public areas of our website.

If you wish to join the Int'l Cessna 170 Association (TIC170A), you may apply directly. Click this link for the TIC170A online application form All TIC170A members have full access to the website.

Again, thank you for your understanding.
'53 B-model N146YS SN:25713
50th Anniversary of Flight Model. Winner-Best Original 170B, 100th Anniversary of Flight Convention.
An originality nut (mostly) for the right reasons. ;)