How to attach pictures or documents to a post

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Bruce Fenstermacher
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How to attach pictures or documents to a post

Post by Bruce Fenstermacher »

International Cessna 170 members have the added privilege to attach files to their posts. If you are not a TIC170A member you can not attach pictures in this manner.

Attachments usually take the form of a picture but it can be a document such as a PDF or DOC file. Here is how to do it.

First there is a file size limit. Currently that is set to 1.5MB per file but I have successfully uploaded files as large as 2.1MB but not 2.3MB. If your file won't load make it smaller by reducing it's physical size. In the case of a picture, 2000 x 2000 pixels or less will usually be a good size.

Photo files can be .jpg, .jpeg, .gif or .png. .jpg or .jpeg are preferred because they tend to be smaller. Documents can be .PDF or .DOC as well as a few others.

Once you have the file you want to attach somewhere in your computer click the appropriate box to start a new post. At the bottm of your screen you should see a tab labeled UPLOAD ATTACHMENT. (see the red arrow)
Choose file.jpg
If you don't see this tab AND you are a current TIC170A member, notify the webmaster so this can be corrected. You will not be able to post attachments until this is done. Assuming you see the UPLOAD tab, click on it.

The window will change and you will see a Choose File button. (see the red arrow)
Upload attachment.jpg
After clicking the Choose File button what will appear is a normal window for what ever software your computer has. Navigate this window to find the file you want to attach.
file window.jpg
After selecting the file the name will appear in the window at the bottom of the screen. (see red arrow)
file name.jpg
You now have to click the Add the file button. (see red arrow)
add file.jpg
If at this point you get a warning that the file was not a correct type file then either it is not a correct file type or it is to big. But if the upload was successful you will now see a Posted attachments window at the bottom of your screen.(see the area the green arrow is over) This is a list of attachments and if you repeat the process (up to 5 attachments per post) the list will grow.

To place the document at a specific place in you post place the curser where you want the attachment then click Place inline button (the green arrow is pointing to it). I like to but a space between pictures and you have to do this after placing the file. (see example below)
The red arrow above shows text I typed. then I placed the curser at the blue arrow ad clicked Place inline. I then went back and put in the spaces before and after the image code. Then start typing again at the yellow arrow. To view your work press the Preview button (magenta arrow) at the top for a Preview then scroll down below to preview to make any editing changes. Repeat this process as many times as needed to get what you want.

If in the process you delete any code that is placed for the attachment, erase all that code and replace it with the Place inline button.

If you don't place your attachments somewhere in your text they will all appear at the end of your post in the order you added them.

Don't forget to Submit the post when your done.
CAUTION - My forum posts may be worth what you paid for them!

Bruce Fenstermacher, Past President, TIC170A
Email: brucefenster at
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