TIC170A Forum Rules
Guest\Member\Participants (How to avoid moderator intervention)
1) No Profanity: Violations can result in suspension of forum privileges.
2) Be civil. It’s alright to present differing points of view, or even disagree, but keep it civil.
No personal attacks, insults, put downs, name calling, etc. Violations can result in
suspension of forum privileges.
3) Praise in public; criticize in private. Please be aware of where you are posting. If you see
a need to be critical, do it tactfully, and in a private message. Please don’t be critical of
TIC170A, or any of its members, in the public section of our forum, and especially in
other social media. We value our members, but reserve the right to suspend or terminate
forum privileges for violators of this principle.
4) Rights to content of Posts: By submitting comments, feedback, information or materials
to TIC170A, you agree to a no-charge assignment to TIC170A of all worldwide rights,
title and interest in copyrights and other intellectual property rights to the comments,
feedback, information or materials. TIC170A shall be free to use such comments,
feedback, information or materials on an unrestricted basis, and via any media.
Consolodated Rules* All Users!
Moderators: GAHorn, Karl Towle, Bruce Fenstermacher
Forum rules
This area is read-only. Only Administrators and Moderators can post here. Please use a private message to the Moderators for questions or comments.
This area is read-only. Only Administrators and Moderators can post here. Please use a private message to the Moderators for questions or comments.
Cessna® is a registered trademark of Textron Aviation, Inc. The International Cessna® 170 Association is an independent owners/operators association dedicated to C170 aircraft and early O-300-powered C172s. We are not affiliated with Cessna® or Textron Aviation, Inc. in any way.