A Message from Parts and Maintenance

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A Message from Parts and Maintenance

Post by GAHorn »

i very often receive phone and email requests for referrals for good, clean 170s for sale. For some reason, the contacts think that because of my volunteer-position…that I personally have an Insight to the Best 170s on the market.

I’ve been reluctant to make recommendations because…IF it its a Member who is selling… OR…buying…. I don’t wish to make any remarks as to condition or value…. NOR…do I wish to Ever get between Buyer and Seller. Never.

SO… I never mention my opinions about condition OR value…. I ALWAYS leave the matters of Revelation and Discovery to Sellers and Buyers …to discover and negotiate between themselves. Always.

The ONLY comments I make are when my own personal opinions are solicited as to features of year-models and modification Plusses and Minusses…and ALWAYS emphasize that my PERSONAL OPINION is not always the most common one shared by owners. I ALWAYS recommend Full Annual Inspections should be paid by the buyer for “pre-buy” inspections…BUT ..I understand the viewpoint of those who are unwilling to undertake that degree of investigation. I Never want to be the reason a buyer or a seller …who Might Be either a Member or non-Member… I never want to be the reason they are disappointed they had an unhappy experience…. REgardless of whether the enterprise turned out favorable or otherwise.
MY JOB is to ASSIST Members AND NON-Members make the BEST decisions they can ON THEIR OWN with an EDUCATED POSTION.

SO… IF you have an airplane you wish to sell…. OR..if you want to Buy an airplane… PLEASE… either post pics and details in these TraeeMart Forums… AND / OR… send the details to Me …so I’m not simply telling callers…”Sorry… I have no comments I can make…And I have no details or Specifications to Share.

I hope his makes sense.

'53 B-model N146YS SN:25713
50th Anniversary of Flight Model. Winner-Best Original 170B, 100th Anniversary of Flight Convention.
An originality nut (mostly) for the right reasons. ;)
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