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Re: Tailwheel flat

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 12:26 pm
by bagarre
Before I go cutting a Walmart foam tube to wedge it into my tire, I'd go this route ... _200473613

With a hand grinder, you can cut the hub flange off to remove the tire easier to you can use your own hub. (Why not make it look legal?)
It's tough to find solid core tires not already mounted on a hub. There are some for electric wheel chairs that are the same size but I doubt they would stand up to the runway. They are non case you land on a basketball court or something. :roll:

Fix-a-flat isn't supposed to be used in tubed tires. In fact, it's supposed to be a road side emergency fix to get you to the tire shop when you don't have a spare. (IMHO) it's just bad form to use that crap in anything except your kid's mini bike tires.

But, any non pneumatic tire that doesn't have to be pressed onto the hub will more than likely spin on the hub when you touch down. Not too many hand trucks are made to hit the ground at 50mph on a regular basis.

Re: Tailwheel flat

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 3:20 pm
by FredMa
(Why not make it look legal?)
Better still, why don't you actually make it legal. Save your worn,but serviceable, tailwheel tire and use it as your emergency spare. Costs even less than a walmart or northern tool tire because it costs nothing to do at your next tire change unless you are like blueldr and just like living life on the edge.

Re: Tailwheel flat

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 4:46 pm
by blueldr
Harbor Freight sells a mounted pneumatic wheel and tire for about four dollars ($4.00). The axle hole is 5/8" diameter and the hub is not centered in the wheel. Cut a piece of the proper length 1/2" copper pipe to bush the 1/2" axle to the 5/8 " hole in the wheel and carry some 5/8" washers for centering the wheel in the fork. Makes a simple and very inexpensive emergency tail wheel and it works great, especially for us guys that "live on the edge".

Copper pipe, NOT TUBING, is 1/2" i.d. and 5/8" o.d. for the axle bushing.

P.S. Those Harbor Freight tires also come in RED rubber and believe me, they're damn fast.

Re: Tailwheel flat

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 8:27 pm
by FredMa
Red is what they use to show that a part is unserviceable or condemned. Green means serviceable, right?

Re: Tailwheel flat

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 8:34 pm
by 170C
VERY ASTUTE observation :lol: :mrgreen:

Re: Tailwheel flat

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 1:23 am
by FredMa
Red ink is not allowed in the logbook by the FAA as it renders the aircraft unairworthy.

Re: Tailwheel flat

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 3:25 am
by blueldr
I'll be damned if there isn't ONE on every intenet forum.

Re: Tailwheel flat

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 3:39 am
by FredMa
Just stating the obvious Dick. The red tires aren't fast, You have to be quick with them on your plane not to get caught RED handed with bootleg parts on your plane.

Re: Tailwheel flat

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 2:28 pm
by blueldr
As most of the regular readers of my comments know, I am not exactly a great fan of the federal helping company for airplanes. However, I can't immagine that they would raise too much fuss if someone were to fly out of the Idaho back country with a Harbor Freight tail wheel to get to where they could install one of the real McCoy. I surely have no intention of using one of them as a regular piece of operating equipment.

Re: Tailwheel flat

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 2:52 pm
by n2582d
Red? Looks pink to me. Can you imagine the ribbing one would take showing up at JC with that? But, hey, that might be the ticket to get our wives to fly with us! :lol:
Click twice to enlarge
Click twice to enlarge

Re: Tailwheel flat

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 7:08 pm
by hilltop170
The easiest way to get home with a flat tailwheel tire when you don't have a spare is to remove the tube and coil your tiedown rope into the tire until it is full. Then just put it back together and fly home. Works like a charm.

Re: Tailwheel flat

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 2:54 am
hilltop170 wrote:The easiest way to get home with a flat tailwheel tire when you don't have a spare is to remove the tube and coil your tiedown rope into the tire until it is full. Then just put it back together and fly home. Works like a charm.
Oh Richard, that is solid gold right there!


Re: Tailwheel flat

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 4:45 am
by blueldr
Just looking at that red tire tells you is has to be fast. It is a damn site faster to install it as a spare than trying to break down a wheel and go through whatever has to be done to get going again. Doesen't take as many tools either.
I used my Harbor Freight wheel to come home on from Johnson Creek once, and I loaned it out twice to other guys.

Re: Tailwheel flat

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 5:46 am
by hilltop170
That is not a bad idea if you don't mind carrying around the spare. But in 42 years, I have only had one flat tailwheel tire away from home. That red chinese tire would have rotted long ago and I always carry tiedown rope.

Re: Tailwheel flat

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 1:49 am
by FredMa
Maybe if you were to carry red tie down rope Dick would be happy, somehow I doubt it though.