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Faster medical waivers ?

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 12:04 pm
by rudymantel
This just came on the AOPA newsletter. Could be good news for me and others- to quote the legendary Dr. Johnson-"Interesting if true..."

The Federal Air Surgeon has told AOPA that soon aviation medical examiners (AMEs) will be permitted to reissue third class medical certificates for pilots with cardiovascular conditions, including coronary artery disease, bypass surgery, angioplasty, and stent placement, under the AME Assisted Special Issuance (AASI) program. These conditions are among 15 new ones that will be added to the existing 20 that premiered with the AASI program in 2002. "This is another progressive step for the FAA, and great news for AOPA members who have heart conditions and must go through the time consuming, and often frustrating, special issuance process each year. Starting in early 2006, they can take the required medical documentation to their AME and have their medical reissued in the office," said Gary Crump, AOPA director of medical certification. "AASI was the FAA's response to an AOPA Board of Aviation Medical Advisors proposal dating back to 2001, and we will continue working to improve the program." See AOPA Online.

medical hold

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 11:32 pm
by DuaneShockey
I went through the hoops in Oklahoma City after my cancerous prostate removal. So have some others I know. I got the bad stuff removed and certified that it was gone by my surgeon. But, Okie City still wanted to have the last evaluation and stamp on the OK. I wrote a letter to Senator McCain, Congressman Duncan Hunter (Calif) and the head surgeon at Okie City. Months later I read the article about "Okie City trying to hurry up the process". I hope they mean that a local surgeon and flight surgeon can make the final decision instead of sending their reports to the bottom of the barrel in Okie City. Maybe we need to write more of those complaining letters ?? Duane Shockey Calif. Rep and Assoc. Pres.