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Gotta share this one... (P-51 formation) Dial-ups: Beware!

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 8:24 am
by GAHorn

Dial-up Internet connection? Forget about this one... Sorry.

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 1:41 pm
by Paul-WI
Awesome :D :D



Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 2:42 pm
by Forrest Walton
Makes me wish I had been born rich, instead of good looking :lol:

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 2:45 pm
by jrenwick
Wow! That's the kind of aerobatics I like to see.

Thanks, George! :D

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 3:36 pm
by GAHorn
A few weeks back I posted a recommended takeoff technique of allowing the tail to come up with elevators-neutral... then keeping the controls there and watching for the nose to drop... before gently lifting off.

In the following video (which includes several aero manuevers)... watch the takeoff. First the airplane accelerates and the tail comes up with neutral elevators (you can see the nose just come down even with the horizon).... the controls remain fixed and a moment later the nose drops below the horizon.... This is when the slightest back-pressure on contols gently lift the airplane off without any "bounce" or "dribble". A nice takeoff (although delayed slightly for the crowd.)

Following is a short history of the P/F-51.

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 8:33 pm
by mrpibb
I still get goose bumps, even watching them on the computer.

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 11:21 am
by SteveF
Really enjoyed these videos.
Got a different view of them when I sent the links to a friend who was a gunner on B24's in WWII. Here's how he sees Mustangs.

"Great show, brought me back to 1944, 4 liberators in formation to my left in a battered formation 4 Machii 202's spiral upwards to shoot them down, from underneath.They the liberators must have radioed for help, in a couple seconds, a Mustang all covered with oil and dirty darts in ,and in about 3 minutes all 4 Machii's are flaming and exploding all over the place. You will never see a Mustang the way I see them.
Don B."

Short but sweet !

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 1:57 pm
by GAHorn
Adolph Galland (?) checks out a Machii 205 (The narrator seems to tell how Luftwaffe teach tactics, and demonstrates how German and Italians share resources. Anyone fluent in German care to translate exactly? This Machii is essentially a 202 with upgraded BMW.)
What the heck kind of airplane was filming the fly-by?

British gun-cine (camera) of Machii 202 last flight. ... re=related

Italian footage of Machii 200 and 202 's (200 has radials, 202 has BMW in-line) ... re=related

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 5:13 am
by n1410d
As long as we are posting videos here, I thought you might like to see this one. It is one of the best demonstrations of energy management I have seen.

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 9:10 am
by cessna170bdriver
n1410d wrote:As long as we are posting videos here, I thought you might like to see this one. It is one of the best demonstrations of energy management I have seen.
And I had trouble getting a decent steep turn out of one! Must have been the fact that Dad's Stearman only had a Continental 220 HP engine instead of the mighty Lycoming 225. :lol:


Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 5:13 pm
by hilltop170
I know what you mean Miles, I ferried one to Houston a few weeks ago with a 300hp Jacobs and was surprised at how much drag it had. It's obvious how much drag they have just by looking at them but it still surprised me. The airspeed immediately drastically starts to fall the moment the nose is raised. I'm very impressed John Mohr could get that performance out of the old 225hp Stearman at ANY altitude, not to mention ground level! He's one good pilot and knows exactly what that plane will do. Says something for staying current.

The kid in the front cockpit was just getting ready to solo and I took him along. He flew it really well from the front and had a blast. I got my first Stearman ride when I was 19 and had just solo'd so I knew how the kid felt.



Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 5:22 pm
by doug8082a
What a great video. I have to admit that my favorite aerobatic routines are like the one performed by John Mohr. The simple and graceful lines really get to me every time I see it.

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 4:11 pm
by Kyle Wolfe
I've seen John fly this routine when it was blowing so hard I would not fly to the airshow! He's wonderful to watch - and a MN boy too!


Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 6:22 pm
by 170C
Yep! Those are really something to see. As a aviation nut, there have always been 2-3 planes I felt that were "must fly" at some time. The J-3 Cub being one because when I was a kid, the Cub was what a small airplane was supposed to look like. I had that opportunity many years ago at Reklaw thanks to fellow 170 member Dooley Rucker. None since, but maybe again one of these days. The DC-3, because as a kid that was a BIG airplane. I have had several "rides" in them, but no stick time--again, one of these days. And of course, the P-51 or Corsair. Those have eluded me thus far, but who knows--one of these days someone may be going somewhere in one and just happen to ask, "Would you like to go along?" :D

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 8:36 pm
by jrenwick
Frank, if you're ever in Minneapolis, look me up! You can fly my J3. If it's winter, it might be on skis. If it's summer, it'll be on floats, most likely!
