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C-170 Aiplanes With Cont.IO-360 Engines

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 3:35 am
by blueldr
Just as a matter of curiousity, I wonder how many of our members have C-170 airplanes converted to Continental IO-360 engines? How about chimeing
in with your name, C-170 model, Engine model number, and tail number. It would also be nice to know the authority for your STC. I will try to make a list and get a count for later publication. If you prefer, I can also accept the data by PM. If you post on this forum, perhaps you would like to make some remarks about how you like this conversion along with some performance figures. I'll be looking forward to hearing from you.

Re: C-170 Aiplanes With Cont.IO-360 Engines

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 5:35 pm
by 170C
I'm not trying to steal your thread Blueldr, but along this same thought, I am curious why I have not ever seen or know of a '55 or '56 170 (or any with the pressure cowling for that matter) with the I0-360 Cont'l? Couldn't they be converted just a easily as the earlier models with the non pressure cowling?

Re: C-170 Aiplanes With Cont.IO-360 Engines

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 6:01 pm
by jrenwick
170C wrote:I'm not trying to steal your thread Blueldr, but along this same thought, I am curious why I have not ever seen or know of a '55 or '56 170 (or any with the pressure cowling for that matter) with the I0-360 Cont'l? Couldn't they be converted just a easily as the earlier models with the non pressure cowling?
Since you've hijacked this thread already, :lol: I can think of some reasons. The engine mount seems like it would be more difficult (understatement?) with a nose wheel attached, and the additional aerodynamic drag of the nose wheel might mean you wouldn't realize the full speed advantage of the I0-360. A TW conversion would solve these problems to some extent, but (forgive me for saying this please, Frank) the 172 TW conversion probably has less intrinsic dollar value than an original 170. In terms of recoverable value after the IO-360 conversion, the 170 is probably a more sensible starting-point.


Re: C-170 Aiplanes With Cont.IO-360 Engines

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 7:10 pm
by 170C
No offense taken John. What I am asking is why don't we see Cessna 170's (B models) that have the more modern pressure cowlings with IO-360 Continental conversions? Maybe I just haven't seen or read about them, but most of the 170's I have seen with that conversion are the early models with the older cowlings that hinge on either side and originally had the cooling cover on the C-145/O-300's. Specifically I haven't seen a 55 or 56 with an IO-360 conversion.

Re: C-170 Aiplanes With Cont.IO-360 Engines

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 7:25 pm
by blueldr
The airplane that I converted is a "52 C-170B with the early plenum box cooling system, however, the STC converts the cooling to the pressure cowl system.
I can't immagine that there could be any difference. Frankly, I prefer the early type cowling for accessability.

Re: C-170 Aiplanes With Cont.IO-360 Engines

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 10:50 pm
by jrenwick
Sorry, Frank. I misunderstood your question. John Barrett's 170 has an IO-360 with a pressure cowling, if I remember right....


Re: C-170 Aiplanes With Cont.IO-360 Engines

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 4:51 am
by johneeb
Dick mine is a 1953 170B, IO360Kb, N170JE and XP-Mods STC with original pressure cowling.

170 progress    2004-10-28 005.jpg

Re: C-170 Aiplanes With Cont.IO-360 Engines

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 5:56 am
by GAHorn
Frank I think you just happened to notice the earlier conversions. The later airplanes do very nicely with the IO-360.
It was another 53 model that we saw in Tehachapie, remember?

Re: C-170 Aiplanes With Cont.IO-360 Engines

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 6:08 pm
by 170C
Yea George, I had forgotten about that pristine one out west. I guess the ones I am not seeing are the 55/56 models. There are probably some around, I just haven't seen them. That would make a nice conversion on Ole Pokey, but I guess the cost would end up having an investement near the cost of an early 180 without the benes of the 180.

Hope everyone is having a super Thanksgiving :!: Ole Pokey got Becky & I up to Castle Rock Tuesday after 6:40 hrs of flying. A bit of headwind one might say :wink:

Re: C-170 Aiplanes With Cont.IO-360 Engines

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 9:00 pm
by akviperdriver

To reply to the original post.

I am a newer member to the forum. I recently bought '52 C170B from Mike Webb in North Pole, AK. N8122A (ser. 20974)has the Lyc O-360 STC. When I get a chance, I will post who did the STC.

It also has all of the other Alaska mods that you would want... I'm in love with the plane, and my wife is jealous!

Chris Perkins

Re: C-170 Aiplanes With Cont.IO-360 Engines

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 4:47 pm
by jamyat

I have a 1951 170A with an IO360D, N170PY. It has a McCauley c/s prop with C67 hub. It was approved using a one-time STC.

I love the conversion. It runs just as smooth as the C145 with a significant improvement in all around performance.


Re: C-170 Aiplanes With Cont.IO-360 Engines

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 8:44 pm
by hilltop170
As long as everybody is hijacking your original thread, I might as well pile on.

Has anybody ever heard of installing a Continental O-360 carbureted engine in a C-170 kinda like the P-Ponk O-520 carbureted conversion for the C-180?

If it is even possible, it would be more desirable to me than the Continental IO-360. Not having to deal with fuel pumps, header tanks, return lines, etc would be a big plus.

I seem to recall the intake manifold is on top of the IO-360 which might make using a carburetor difficult.

Re: C-170 Aiplanes With Cont.IO-360 Engines

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 11:20 pm
by johneeb
The intake manifold is indeed on top, take a look at the picture I posted a few posts up on this thread.

Re: C-170 Aiplanes With Cont.IO-360 Engines

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 12:13 am
by blueldr
To the best of my knowledge, all Continental IO-360 engines have top induction systems, and there has never been a carbureted model.

Re: C-170 Aiplanes With Cont.IO-360 Engines

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 6:06 am
by hilltop170
That would make it more difficult.