Ya never know....

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Ya never know....

Post by GAHorn »

Ya never know who you're meeting these days....

I'm sure many of you know I am a Hawker I.P. at SimuFlite at DFW. I"ve had a fun career so far getting as far as I have, and as a civilian I've been blessed/cursed to carry plenty of interesting and sometimes famous/infamous passengers. Many politicians and foreign dignitaries... (U.S. VP and ambassadors, a "First Lady" or two, senators, etc., entertainers, etc,... and one or two foreign heads of state)... and many more "common folk" that deserved greater recognition ...

Regardless of the actual personage I've always tried to do my best job as an aviator and I've never been one to be too impressed or distracted by it. At no time have I ever asked for or received any recognition or momentos such as autographs, photo's, etc. etc. from any passenger, no matter what their status or fame. I've never wanted to impose upon those that I admired... and I've never wanted any momentos of those I didn't.

For the last few days I've been doing my regular job as a Hawker instructor. I have been teaching a couple of fellows in the 800/XP simulator in hot-high operations, rapid depressurization/emergency descent, windshear encounter, various and sundry abnormals and failures/emergencies. And finally, late last night, I was assigned the task of their final preparation for their "Type rating" check ride. I actually administered simulated check-rides as if I were the assigned examiner (which is another of my authorized duties sometimes) and so I spent about four hours working out their last few "kinks" and polishing them up for this stressful and important event.

One of the clients, Ron,... was a stocky, muscular guy, ... soft-spoken and with a twinkle in his eye.
The other (we'll call him "Jay") was a young, self-confident and somewhat assertive pilot with the title "chief pilot" of his company's flight department. He had been with the company for some time and had no qualms about letting me know of his many type ratings and aeronautical degrees, and whenever possible he would proffer engineering explanations for simple flying techniques or systems I might be explaining. Jay also showed no patience with his newly-hired crewmember, and I almost had the impression he would set Ron up for a troublesome failure, if possible with a distraction, ... when it would be far easier to simply correct a dial's setting or re-program a push-button during a busy time.

At the beginning of our time together a couple days ago I did my usual introductions... usually introduce myself, tell a little about myself and family and a short bio about my background... and then I invite the clients to do the same.
Jay was forthright as I've mentioned. Ron was quiet, modest, and offered very little other than he'd flown helicopters for the Marines. He didn't say much more about that, but he showed a bit more enthusiasm talking about his wife and family and his new job opportunity... and he openly admitted he had no jet time previously and was concerned about his ability to do well on the upcoming check ride.

I've spent the last two days clearing up some operating techniques and systems misunderstandings, and I've worked hard to help him improve his general skills in this new-to-him airplane that he'll be flying in an unfamiliar-to-him environment. (I specifically recall telling him not to expect the kind of support he's accustomed to in the Marines ... in the civilian world... I spent some time offering suggestions on how to prepare for flight operations as a civilian.) I spent a lot of time trying to assure him that I wasn't going to recommend him if I didn't think I'd prepared him completely for his check ride... not to worry about self-critique too much... let me do the critiqueing... "it's what I do!", I said.

Well..... last night after some late-night, last minute corrective instruction, I recommended them for their check rides. Jay was still cockily self-assured and unhelpful to his crewmember. Ron was still self-effacing and modestly hopeful he'd pass the ride.

Early this A.M. I received a "Thank You" note from Ron. He'd passed his check ride, and was proud of his first civilian Type Rating in his first Jet! And he was grateful to me for my assistance in his learning the airplane. As a token of his gratitude, he sent along a picture of him in his last helo-flying job in the Marines...


What a nice guy. (Ron Alvarado is the only guy I've ever asked for an autographed photo and I'm not the least bit ashamed!) I'm proud of him!
'53 B-model N146YS SN:25713
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Post by webmaster »


Thanks for sharing. Now I have a better idea what you do when you're not posting messages on this forum :wink:

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Post by HA »

if I ever need a Hawker type I'll want George - when I hear him typing in back I won't worry about popping CB's or wind shear, I'l know he's just posting to this forum. he can't have time for both :P
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Post by SteveF »

Great story - thanks !!
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Bruce Fenstermacher
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Post by Bruce Fenstermacher »

Nice story George.

I couldn't agree more. Helicopter pilots are all right.

Sure like to see Jay hover a helicopter. :lol:
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Ya Never Know

Post by 170C »

Super deal George! Just goes to show that if you do your best at your job, or whatever, there are actually folks out there who appreciate your efforts.

Now to the other guy, he sounds like a lot of jerks that we unfortunately run into as we go through life. One of these days he will probably get his :twisted:

I must say, Bruce, I am surprized that you would chime in that those rotary winged guys are OK------- 8O Hang in there :!:

On a lighter note George, if you ever fly me anywhere and remind me, I'll give serious consideration to giving you my autograph (if you really want it) :wink:
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Post by dacker »

He must be a hell of a guy... especially flying a manly helicopter like that one! :)
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Re: Ya Never Know

Post by GAHorn »

170C wrote:...On a lighter note George, if you ever fly me anywhere and remind me, I'll give serious consideration to giving you my autograph (if you really want it) :wink:
Bring your check-book! :lol:
'53 B-model N146YS SN:25713
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An originality nut (mostly) for the right reasons. ;)
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Post by Abe »

As it was said earlier George, thanks for sharing that story with us....Makes me think of my Brother who also was a Marine "choper" pilot....I call the Ron's of the world the silent majority... and when I hear a story like that I feel damn proud of the majority of the people in this country that you don't hear from or about very often.
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Thanks George

Post by N2540V »

I have crawled through all four Marine 1's two years ago. (three flying, one testbed). I met and respected some of these Marines.

Another time I looked out the window of my rented 172 and found myself in formation with three of them as we flew south towards DC with the President and Anwar Sadat onboard. (I quickly decided to fly another direction).

Thanks - You just added some perspective to my history. I am glad that Ron had you to help him transition.
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Post by dacker »

I have a really wierd memory... it might just be the fact that there is an H-3 in the picture... but was that picture sporting the cover of PARADE or some other similar publication a while back? If so then it is even more special!

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Ya never know who you're meeting these days....

Post by ces170drvr »

Well, imagine another instructor at SimuFlite not knowing who you re meeting these days....
I am receiptant of this too! I am the one that typed these "guys" and never had a clue!?
George and I are good friends and work together many times at SimuFlite, informing of potential problems that can happen to each other's clients. But as George stated, ya never know....
It was a pleasure and I am proud of Ron Alvarado's hard work to make the "grade" in the civilian world.
Ron Huckins
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Post by N4281V »

Thanks for sharing, George!

I just got my first type (Falcon 20) there at SimuFlite - DFW the day before Thanksgiving. I was like Ron, hoping I'd get through the ride. It was a long, rough day. Definitely was giving thanks afterward!

Wicked cool!
Glad to have Ron on our side now.
Ann W.
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David Bengtson
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what a neat story

Post by David Bengtson »

George, what a neat story! Reminded me of my airline years, I flew with many Ron's and Jay's. No need to tell which one made the trips pleasant. Attitude counts for everything. Thanks for the story. Dave Bengtson
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Y never know..

Post by N2782C »

What's left to say...Semper Fi
Semper Fi

'54 C-170B N2782C
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