Oil analysis question

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Oil analysis question

Post by tshort »

Curious what you all would do to troubleshoot the following.
I sent a sample (report attached) when I took the airplane down for annual last week.

Overall it has been running fine; on one flight late last year there was just a hint of rough running on a night takeoff, barely noticeable but just a hint of roughness. I flew for 90 minutes or so before the annual / oil sample and it ran fine.

We are planning to borescope the cylinders during the inspection.

Thanks in advance.
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Thomas Short
1948 C170 N3949V
RV-8 wings in progress
Indianapolis (KUMP)
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Re: Oil analysis question

Post by johneeb »

Tom, while you are Borescoping your cylinders also look to see if a piston pin end plug has been scuffing the cylinder wall.
John E. Barrett
aka. Johneb

Sent from my "Cray Super Computer"
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