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Post by pif_sonic »

Ok I was not going to add my opinion in this matter but I can't stand it. I am very sad for the pilot and his family but 10.5 mill for his mistake, I have a real hard time swallowing that. Plus if you read the NTSB report, here is a quote from it,

NTSP Report #SEA99FA105

“Almost immediately after sliding off the taxiway, the aircraft burst into flames. As the fire grew, some of the witnesses tried to pull the pilot out of the aircraft, while at the same time other bystanders attempted to put the fire out with dry chemical fire extinguishers. The limited capacity of the portable fire extinguishers proved insufficient to put out the fire, and because the pilot's leg was jammed in the wreckage, witnesses were unable to pull him free before the heat of the fire became to intense to continue attempts to rescue him. Within a minute after the aircraft impacted the ground, the volunteer fire truck arrived at the scene. After pulling out the necessary hose and completing the hook-up of their respirator system, which they began while en route, the firefighters applied water on the flaming wreckage. Within a minute to a minute and a half after their arrival, the fire was extinguished.”

I wonder if the family contacted a lawyer if a blood sucking, waste of oxygen contacted the family and said, we can get a lot of money. I deal with lawyers in my profession on a regular basis. I really have no use for any of them.

This was a very sad situation for a pilot and his family but why blame the VOLUNTEER firefighters, emergency personnel, the EAA, and the Northwest EAA accountable. The other problem is the extremely ignorant jury on this case. In another thought I bet the NTSB report was excluded from evidence and the NTSB investigator was not allowed to testify by the objection of a blood sucking lawyer and a judge, who is also a lawyer, agreed with. OK I’m done this babbling will not bring the pilot back and it will not heal any hurting the family has suffered. But I'm sure the 10.5 mill will cure it all.
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Post by N1478D »

Maybe we should all drive by the 5000+ sq ft homes of the lawyers and judges, so we can give them the salute!

I am with you pif_sonic, the lawyers and judges have been selling us down the river for some time now for their own personal gain at great cost to all of us.
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Post by Plummit »

gahorn wrote:In a small town, a lawyer will go broke.
But two lawyers will make a pretty good living.
There is at least one attorney who is a member of the C-170 Association. FWIW


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Post by N2255D »

There is at least one attorney who is a member of the C-170 Association. FWIW
Then I guess they all can't be bad. :D
Walt Weaver
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Bill Hart
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Post by Bill Hart »

N2255D wrote:
There is at least one attorney who is a member of the C-170 Association. FWIW
Then I guess they all can't be bad. :D
Until he sues the association for defamation of character. :twisted:
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Post by pif_sonic »

Well there are a few bad eggs in every profession. In the lawyers little circle that is reversed, there may be a couple good eggs!!
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Post by N1478D »

Bill Hart wrote:
N2255D wrote:
There is at least one attorney who is a member of the C-170 Association. FWIW
Then I guess they all can't be bad. :D
Until he sues the association for defamation of character. :twisted:
Wait a minute! Thought all of this was about lack of character. How in the world can they sue for defamation of lack of character? :lol: Oh, yeah, their friends are judges, I forgot for a moment.
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Post by 3958v »

Its interesting that you dont see much of this happening as a result of auto accidents. I guess the judges dont want to walk to work as there would be no auto manufacturers still in business. The best way I know to fight this garbage is to refuse to vote for lawers for any elected offices. As of right now they are a majority in Washington and it really shows. This is also a good example of why people like ourselves should not try to avoid jury duty. We have to keep fighting. Bill K
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Post by GAHorn »

Let me see if I understand all this rage ...
It sounds like an uninformed group of lawyer-haters who weren't present, but only read a news report about it... (and we all know how the news always gets the facts correct)... would like to toss out an informed jury's decision and return civilization to the concept of trial-by-ordeal.
A jury, having heard the evidence, decided on the amount of the award. A group of ordinary folks, listened to all the evidence presented, and in their judgement made a determination and decided on the award.... then it sounds right to me.
Doesn't sound like a lawyer problem to me. :wink:
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Post by Bill Hart »

I don’t profess to be a lawyer hater but I personally know a lawyer who was defending a flight attendant for a major airline who had the misfortune of being hit in the leg by a piece of shrapnel when the engine experienced an uncontained turbine failure. The basis of his argument was that the cowling on that engine had been repaired with bondo. Had the cowling not had the repair then I am sure that the honeycomb structure would have been enough to stop that turbine wheel that was spinning at many thousand RPM’s. This whole story would not be so remarkable except that the lawyer in question was a Navigator in the Air Force and Air National Guard with thousands of hours flying in jet aircraft.

Its not that I hate lawyers they just seem to argue points to uneducated or prejudice juries they seem to have no care about finding the truth. Case in point the Duke la cross players. Do you think for one minute the DA cared about what if those boys were innocent? Hell no! He took that case straight to the press with just enough information to convict those boy’s in the court of public opinion. Do you think that there can be a jury selected in that case who hasn’t already heard all of the evidence they need to form an opinion on that case?

Do I think all lawyers are blood thirsty evil people, no but there sure are a lot of examples of bad behavior by people who are sworn to find the truth.
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Post by N1478D »

George, I respect your opinions. But, I am so glad we can differ and still be friends.

The jury did not sue anybody!

The judge and lawyers most probably set a range of 15 billion to 10.5 million as the options the jury could choose from.

Personally, and very sadly, I have spent countless hours in courthouses over the years. Never, EVER, did I see one judge or lawyer in all of those years who was the least bit interested in what was right or what was wrong. They are paid a percentage in the case of this thread - so they go deep after deep pockets, or paid by the hour and find countless ways to stretch it out in time. It's only my personal experience, but it was revolting, and in my case, there was an abusive parent, and instead of protecting the child, they were only interested in how long they could stretch it out and how much money they could stuff in their pockets. They had opportunity after opportunity to improve a child's life. They never even looked in that direction.
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Post by pif_sonic »

How many people from this forum have actually sat through an entire criminal or civil trial? I am not talking about being on a Jury, because the Jury does not see the entire trial either. They only see what a judge says they can see.

I have sat through several trials. You would be surprised how much evidence/information is available to the lawyers but how much of the evidence is suppressed or not allowed to be entered into courtroom. And trust me, a lawyer will try to suppress any evidence that hurts his case or his client for any reason. Have you ever seen a lawyer suppress evidence that helps his case???????? If that lawyer has an idiot for a judge and the evidence is not allowed then the “ALL INFORMED JURY” DOES NOT GET TO SEE IT!!!!!!!!! Ya lawyers have a “Code of Ethics” they have to abide by but did you know a convicted felon can be a lawyer!!

So sorry George but your comment about the ‘informed jury’ is a little uninformed. An informed jury is like the oxy morons, Jumbo Shrimp or Military Intelligence, and yes THE JUSTICE SYSTEM. I do not hate lawyers; I just hate what lawyers do.
God forbid we should ever be twenty years without a rebellion. ***Thomas Jefferson***
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Post by N2865C »

Well I started this lawyer bashing so I guess I should clarify my position. As a business owner I use lawyers and they are a great asset to me reviewing leases, important financial decisions and keeping me out of trouble with the government. In 25 years of business I have never sued anyone and (knock on wood) have never been sued. Every attorney I have personally dealt with has been fair and ethical (although sometimes it seems like they charge me for opening the Christmas card I sent them :) ). Last I heard there were over a million lawyers in the US. Unfortunately a very small percentage that are dishonest and unethical can do a tremendous amount of damage. The ambulance chasers and others of their type are really practicing legal blackmail. Don't ask me what I think should happen to those @#$*&^!! :evil: The legal system is broken and needs to be fixed IMHO.
"The only stupid question is one that wasn't asked"
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Post by Bruce Fenstermacher »

SO FELLOWS. How many lawyers are tail dragger instructors? Since the topic of this thread is "tail wheel instructors" I thought I'd being it back on subject.

More often that not a thread over 4 pages should be locked, this topic only took 3 pages to reach that point. :)
CAUTION - My forum posts may be worth what you paid for them!

Bruce Fenstermacher, Past President, TIC170A
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Post by cfiatzph »

pif_sonic wrote:Ok I was not going to add my opinion in this matter but I can't stand it. I am very sad for the pilot and his family but 10.5 mill for his mistake, I have a real hard time swallowing that. Plus if you read the NTSB report, here is a quote from it,

NTSP Report #SEA99FA105

“Almost immediately after sliding off the taxiway, the aircraft burst into flames. As the fire grew, some of the witnesses tried to pull the pilot out of the aircraft, while at the same time other bystanders attempted to put the fire out with dry chemical fire extinguishers. The limited capacity of the portable fire extinguishers proved insufficient to put out the fire, and because the pilot's leg was jammed in the wreckage, witnesses were unable to pull him free before the heat of the fire became to intense to continue attempts to rescue him. Within a minute after the aircraft impacted the ground, the volunteer fire truck arrived at the scene. After pulling out the necessary hose and completing the hook-up of their respirator system, which they began while en route, the firefighters applied water on the flaming wreckage. Within a minute to a minute and a half after their arrival, the fire was extinguished.”

I wonder if the family contacted a lawyer if a blood sucking, waste of oxygen contacted the family and said, we can get a lot of money. I deal with lawyers in my profession on a regular basis. I really have no use for any of them.

This was a very sad situation for a pilot and his family but why blame the VOLUNTEER firefighters, emergency personnel, the EAA, and the Northwest EAA accountable. The other problem is the extremely ignorant jury on this case. In another thought I bet the NTSB report was excluded from evidence and the NTSB investigator was not allowed to testify by the objection of a blood sucking lawyer and a judge, who is also a lawyer, agreed with. OK I’m done this babbling will not bring the pilot back and it will not heal any hurting the family has suffered. But I'm sure the 10.5 mill will cure it all.
You know living on a fly in community. I have pretty much arrived right after for 3 accidents. One a engine failure (Cessna 180 fuel exhaustion) that landed in a pond short of the runway. Then a gear up, then a 150 engine failure (from carb ice, they never pulled it) two of them blamed the airport!!! The guy in the 180 blamed the airport makeup trees, power lines, pond etc, well you were the guy that ran out of fuel!!! The 150 guy (broke his neck because his lap belt was'nt tight enough) blamed the berm before the runway. The guy that geared up (which the aircraft promptly caught on fire) (bellanca, fibric + fuel drains grinded off =fire) Which BTW I put out with the other along with 5-6 fire extingusihers. (he did'nt blame anyone but himself obviously it happens) All these accidents were pilot error. I tell you if put a aicraft into some trees because of my stupidity the last thing I will do is blame the resucuers! Did they make you do what you did? Take some responsibility. I mean after all we were'nt meant to leave the ground right? Your taking a risk and non doing the regs or do what you need to do with common sense WILL get you in trouble eventually. I also so a vary ez go off the side of the runway after he aborted and forgot to secure his canopy. Fact is airplanes are not dangerous its us not follow procedure/regs/accepted methods that is. The rules are in place and 99 % of the time the pilot if follow them will be just fine no matter what happens.
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